16th Street Mall Redevelopment

16th Street Mall Redevelopment


Downtown Denver Partnership, Inc.


16 city blocks



ZGF Architects

Felsburg Holt & Ullevig

"As a client, you always would like your consultant to be working on your project with 110 percent effort. In this case I would say 200 percent was more like it; they never said “no” to a request from me."

Mark Upshaw / Architect, City and County of Denver


16th Street Mall Redevelopment

Denver, Colorado


With the decline in the condition of the pavers on Denver’s 16th Street Mall, we led the 16th Street mall Urban Design Plan outlining alternatives for revitalization.

Working closely with the Downtown Denver Business Improvement District, Downtown Denver Partnership, City and County of Denver, Regional Transportation District and the 16th Street Plan Steering and Technical Committees, our team worked with ZGF in the development of the urban design plan for the 16th Street Mall, including historic preservation, cost estimating, Universal Access guidelines, lighting and transit operations.

The team went on in Phase II with Felsburg Holt & Ullevig to explore specific revitalization options for the mall through the rehabilitation, replacement and/or relocation of the urban design amenities with a special focus on preserving the historic character and design intent of the mall.

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