Walnut Street Corridor Streetscape

Walnut Street Corridor

Walnut Street Corridor Streetscape


City of Des Moines, Iowa


3+ blocks / $3.3M first phase


2017 Merit Award for Communication – ASLA Central States

Walnut Street Corridor
Walnut Street Corridor
Walnut Street Corridor ;
Walnut Street Corridor ;

Walnut Street Corridor Streetscape

Des Moines, Iowa


This revitalized corridor in Downtown Des Moines enhances the pedestrian experience and was crafted to attract new retail and restaurant uses to this urban district.

Confluence led the creation of a streetscape improvement Master Plan, which identified strategies for a thriving corridor by integrating amenities including urban gardens, aesthetic lighting, kiosks and parking strategies to encourage outdoor dining, retail pop-ups and street vendors. The plan included a retail and merchandising strategy and market analysis to determine the estimated demand for retail and restaurants within this district.

Our team also facilitated a series of focus groups and public meetings to identify the best opportunities to attract visitors and workers to shop and eat in the district.

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