Riverfront Streetcar Extension

Riverfront Streetcar Extension


Kansas City Streetcar Authority + PortKC


55 acres



Burns + McDonnell




Riverfront Streetcar Extension

Kansas City, Missouri


Opportunities for future growth and economic development were integrated into the provision of streetcar service to serve Kansas City's 55-acre Berkley Riverfront.

As part of a multi-disciplinary team, Confluence collaborated in studying the potential alignment, costs and economic feasibility for extending KC’s Downtown Streetcar system to connect with and serve the riverfront area. The study included reviewing and providing recommendations for interfacing with an existing multi-modal mobility hub location that serves as a bus park and ride facility today - yet is slated for future mixed-use redevelopment. We also prepared recommendations for potential public parking opportunities and a new separate bicycle and pedestrian bridge to provide safe and efficient connectivity between the River Market and Berkley Riverfront.

This study included developing and evaluating alternative routes to serve the riverfront area and explored their respective differences in cost and operational effectiveness. A key component included analyzing the benefits this new streetcar service will provide the area, and a concept-level analysis of the increased land values and rent premiums that could be achieved by extending streetcar services.

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