A New Look at Old Town Lenexa

A New Look at Old Town Lenexa


City of Lenexa, Kansas / MARC


~80 Acre District



Collins Noteis + Associates


2020 Merit Award for Planning & Analysis - ASLA Prairie Gateway Chapter

A New Look at Old Town Lenexa

Lenexa, Kansas


Through the creation of a unifying community vision for the Old Town District, this new plan is being used to guide future growth, redevelopment, and investment geared toward improving the area’s pedestrian-oriented environment and reviving its economic vitality.

Confluence collaborated with our planning team, the City and the community to craft a community-driven strategic development plan for the historic Old Town District. What exists today as a row of mostly historic buildings with retail shops and a train depot facing active rail tracks once served as the historic Downtown Lenexa. The plan's purpose is to enhance the area's unique identity and sense of place, and to outline a series of recommended improvements that strengthen the role this District plays in supporting the quality of life in surrounding neighborhoods.

The resulting plan is grounded in public engagement activities and provides strategies for accomplishing the community’s vision for Old Town. These include energizing economic development activities, encouraging revitalization of the existing community center facility, improving multi-modal connectivity throughout the district, protecting the area's historic character, and reinforcing Old Town as a family-friendly community destination.

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