"We have been able to create an environment that will provide 'best in class' services to our world-class athletes at the TCO Performance Center, part of the new Minnesota Vikings world headquarters."
Kevin Warren / Former COO, Minnesota Vikings
Eagan, Minnesota
Integrating this sports performance and training center into the fabric of the Viking Lakes campus created opportunities to engage the site with activity at multiple levels.
This state-of-the-art facility is strategically positioned adjacent to the stadium, creating a campus-like feel while taking advantage of site terrain and terracing concepts. A sports field is nestled adjacent to the second floor for training, testing and rehabilitation activities. The facility serves the community as well as the Minnesota Vikings football team.
This center provides cardiovascular and specialized speed rooms, a hydrotherapy room, and post-workout recovery rooms. The entire 40-acre football complex includes four outdoor football fields, a full-size indoor football field, a 6,000 seat stadium, a broadcast studio and media center, and administrative offices for Vikings staff.